
Course FAQs

Course FAQs: Note: Many of these FAQs pertain to Notebooks, Anaconda, and Python. All of which we will discuss in Section 2 with video content. We have videos going over all about Python and the installation process. This FAQ is just here as a reference for you to visit whenever you wish. If you want to continue with the course and the install procedure, continue on to the next lecture. Thanks!

  1. Where can I find the Jupyter Notebooks for the Course? The course is now in Python 3, but still have the older Python 2 notebooks available for reference in case you need them.

Python 3 Notebooks can be found here:


The older Python 2 Notebooks can be found here:


  1. How do I download the Notebooks?

You can go to the GitHub page linked above and then click the download zip button to download all the notebook (.ipynb) files onto your computer (compressed as a zip file, you'll need to unzip it). Check out the lecture „Getting the Notebooks” for a video guide to this.

  1. How do I know what directory my Notebooks are being saved?

To find out where your notebooks are type: pwd in a cell and run it with Shift+Enter. This will print your working directory.

  1. How can I change where the Notebooks are being saved?

You will need to change the directory in which you are starting you jupyter notebook. Use cd in the terminal or command prompt to change to your desired directory if you are running jupyter notebook at your command line. Alternatively, just navigate to your desired directory using the Anaconda Navigator as described in the lecture „Running Python Code”.

  1. How do I open .ipynb files? What program do I choose?

After installing Anaconda, search your computer for Anaconda Navigator, then launch jupyter notebook and move through the Jupyter Notebook interface until you reach your desired directory where you have your .ipynb files. Please note, you can not just double click a .ipynb file, it won't open that way.

Using Juptyer Notebook at your command line? Here are the instructions to open .ipynb files through your command line:

In order to open the Notebook Files you'll need to have Python and the Jupyter Notebook system installed, check out the Python Set-up section for more details on the installation of Python and the Jupyter Notebook system (or you can just follow the relevant instructions here if you feel more technical). Once you have python and the jupyter notebooks installed you are ready to open the notebooks using the following steps:

First open up your Command Prompt (search for cmd on a Windows machine) or if you are on a Mac use your terminal (Spotlight search for terminal).

Next in you terminal/command prompt type pwd and press enter (this will print your working directory)

Take note of what file directory was displayed, this is where you should save your .ipynb files (or a folder containing your .ipynb files)

Once your ipynb files or folder containing the files is in the location displayed from the pwd step go back to your terminal and type jupyter notebook and press Enter.

After Step 4 you should have a browser tab open up with the Jupyter Notebook system running inside of it.

Click on your Notebook (or go to your folder of Notebooks) displayed in the Jupyter Notbeook and it will open in a new tab with the Notebook you selected.

You should now have successfully opened a Notebook file.

  1. How do I get my certification?

Check out Udemy's official link on this (we don't control certification).


For more questions on certification, please email support@udemy.com

  1. Where can I find the slides?


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